Turkey Hunting

Using a bow and arrow to hunt a turkey is one of the most common methods. It seems to be a custom in North America that depends on the turkey calling and the right shot. There are numerous organizations and institutions in place to both end the custom of turkey hunting and maintain it. These two groups, like other rivalries, will do anything to keep their values from being supplanted. However, without being aware of the problem at hand, one cannot usually choose a side. To make an informed choice, it is crucial to gain as much background knowledge as you can about turkey hunting.

The main objective of turkey hunting is to get the birds into the open so that you can shoot them with a shotgun or a bow and arrow. Since it adds so much tradition to the hunt, many individuals feel that using a bow and arrow almost justifies it. Finding a turkey roost is the first step in the turkey hunting process. However, because the roost is typically located in a controlled environment in North America, these are typically simple to locate. Given that they congregate in big groups, wild turkeys are also rather simple to locate. Avoid approaching the turkey’s roost too closely. It is recommended that the hunter stays about one hundred to two hundred yards away from the roost, leaving ample room to fire and to get set when the turkeys come running.


Of course, getting the turkeys out of the roost is the next goal of the turkey hunt. In order to accomplish this, the hunter must start a string of embarrassing but successful turkey calls. These are made up of a variety of clicks, whistles, hoots, and clucks. It’s crucial to distinguish between owl calls and other bird calls in order to avoid being attacked by predatory birds and having a less enjoyable hunt. Start with a string of clucks and yelps when a turkey is calling from a spot. Increase voice volume and become more aggressive if a live turkey does not cluck or yell in response. This will make turkeys think that a turkey nearby is either aggressively approaching or is challenging territory. Eventually, a turkey should come out of the roost.


When this happens, it is a good idea to set the sight of the shotgun or the bow and arrow on the target. Prepare and continue calling the turkey, as this will draw them closer to the range of fire. If the turkey will not approach a suitable range, try to use very soft purrs or clucks. As always, watch out for the other predatory birds or cats that may latch on to the use of this sound. The clucks and purrs should, theoretically, entice the bird out and closer to the range of fire for the hunter. Turkeys can be stubborn at times and incredibly stupid at other times. They really do not have much of a distinction between knowing human calls and knowing actual turkey calls.

But the shot must be made when the bird is within striking distance. In order to unleash an arrow or squeeze off a shot, the hunter must temporarily let go of his intellectual grip on the clucking and purring. The sound will probably send other turkeys scurrying away or in all different directions, so it’s crucial to follow through. The birds will rapidly become confused, so it’s crucial to remember to locate and mark the kill before moving on. Avoid the temptation to attempt to catch another one of the stragglers since doing so could start a never-ending cycle of murdering turkeys that can’t fit in the freezer.

A turkey for Thanksgiving or Christmas is usually the outcome of a turkey hunt. However, hunting wild turkeys is now prohibited in many nations and jurisdictions. Before going on any turkey hunt, the hunter is in charge of researching local rules and becoming knowledgeable about the country in which they will be ready to cluck and purr.


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