Laptop Screen Inverter

One of the most frequent issues with screen failure, and more specifically, dimness or darkness to the screen itself, is likely caused by the small piece of circuit board that is typically found underneath the plastic shell of your laptop’s screen casing.

The inverter’s primary function is to essentially supply power to the backlight. Its operation is straightforward: a small inverter lead that extends from the laptop’s motherboard supplies power to the screen. Sometimes this lead is connected directly to the inverter; other times, it is connected to the inverter via the LCD cable, which connects the motherboard to the screen’s back.

The inverter’s power lead is plugged into a small white socket at one end, typically the left, and the screen’s backlight lead is plugged into another white socket at the opposite end, typically the right. The backlight, which runs along the very bottom or occasionally the side of the screen, is a very tiny, thin, long, and fragile light bulb.

The majority of the time, issues with the inverter involve the screen being dim or dark or the backlight flashing. Sometimes, but not typically, it can prevent the screen from functioning at all. Dark or dull screens on laptops are a common complaint; typically, people assume that the backlight is to blame. While this may occasionally be the case, more frequently than not, the problem is with the inverter, which is failing to supply the lighting with the necessary power. Since the backlight is so delicate and easily destroyed, the inverter is typically less expensive to replace. On some occasions a repair of the inverter is possible, although usually labour charges on fixing the inverter can sometimes lead up to being more expensive than simply replacing it.


The part number, which is typically printed as a bar code on the outside of the inverter although occasionally you may need to search closely to locate it, is required by the majority of organizations when buying an inverter. We try our best to locate the inverter with just these details, but sometimes you will need to provide the part number; here is an example of a part number from the inverter for an IBM Thinkpad T22. If you’re lucky, you may get away with just stating what your laptop make and model is. For example, “I have an IBM Thinkpad T22 and I need an inverter” (10L1402). This inverter is also compatible with the IBM T21, and T20 all three laptops as a whole are basically the same apart from the processor.


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