Beginners Guide to Home Composting

Reduce the amount of garbage you put in your trash can by composting your kitchen and garden waste. Composting your trash allows you to create a rich compost that is free to use in your garden while also assisting in the fight against global warming.

How does home composting help to reduce global warming?

Organic garbage is buried beneath tons of other rubbish when it is dumped in a landfill. As a result, the organic waste does not have enough access to air, which hinders its ability to degrade effectively. Methane gas is created instead of decomposing, causing global warming.


The Compost Bin

Getting a compost bin is the first step in beginning a home composting program. Compost bins are available for purchase or can be made from scratch. Most garden centers sell compost bins for purchase. Compost bins are also offered at reduced prices through the government-funded Recycle Now Home Composting Campaign.

The compost’s overall quality can be impacted by where the compost bin is placed, which is the next crucial step. Place the bin in a location with good access to sunshine and good drainage for the greatest outcomes. A sunny location for the bin and proper drainage will allow excess water to flow out of the compost, which will hasten the composting process.

What waste items can I put in my compost bin?

You may put a lot of common household garbage from your kitchen and yard in your compost bin. These are divided into “Greens” and “Browns” categories. The kind of food that provides moisture and nitrogen and rots quickly is known as “greens.” Greens include the following items:


Grass cuttings

Vegetable peelings



Tea bags



Browns are waste items that take longer to rot but provide pockets of air, along with fibre and carbon.  This includes items such as:


Cardboard boxes

Newspapers (scrunched up)

Toilet roll tubes

Egg shells (crushed)

Shredded paper

Twigs and hedge clippings


How do I make a good quality compost?

It is crucial to employ a healthy mixture of both “green” and “brown” wastes when creating compost of high grade. Simply keep an eye on the compost and, if necessary, add more waste to improve its appearance. As an illustration, if it appears to be too dry, add more “green” waste, and if it appears to be too wet, add more “brown” garbage. In order to introduce air, it is also a good idea from time to time to mix or stir the contents of your compost bin.


How long will it take for my compost to be ready to use?

This will differ based on the type of trash that is disposed of in the compost bin, the environment, and the weather. Generally speaking, your final compost should be usable in between 6 and 9 months.



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