6 Great Tips For Getting Your Dog Toilet Trained


Getting the dog housebroken is one of the most difficult tasks a household must complete when a new puppy is brought home. This indicates that the dog won’t use your house and furniture as a toilet and will instead relieve himself outside. Many people mistakenly believe that toilet training a dog is difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. The easiest approach to ensure your dog goes to the potty where you want him to is to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible about the finest housebreaking techniques.


When to House Train

Although a dog can be trained to use the bathroom at any age, the ideal time to start is between eight and twelve weeks old. When you introduce your puppy to a housebreaking schedule right away, he will swiftly learn the proper location for his business. A puppy can be trained to use the bathroom in a crate. When no one is watching, it keeps him contained, and most dogs quickly figure out that if they make a mess of their crate, they have to sit in it. The majority of dogs are relatively hygienic and won’t appreciate sitting in dog poop or urine.


The Advantages of Using a Crate

Be sure there is enough room in the crate for your pup to turn around, but don’t leave so much room that he will be able to eliminate and lie down far away from it. Many dog owners view a crate as a jail cell or to use as punishment, but your dog will love having his own space where he can escape from the hustle and bustle of the household for some quiet time. Make your dogs crate a happy place and don’t use it for punishment. You can feed your dog in the crate, or while he is in there, offer him some treats. Place a favorite chewy or toy in there with him, add blankets and he will have a cozy den to escape to whenever he feels the need. Utilizing a crate for your dog can keep him out of trouble and not only in housebreaking.


Keep Your Eyes Peeled

You can successfully housetrain your puppy by keeping a tight eye on him. Take him outside to the location you want him to go as soon as you notice him sniffing, circling, or starting to squat. If he goes, great! If he does, profusely congratulate him. A cue, such as “hurry up,” is an excellent idea so that your puppy understands what you want him to do. Repeat the cue when he has to use the restroom, and then shower your dog with praise after a job well done. It is better to let the dog out and have nothing happen than to risk something bad happening.


Have a Schedule

Housebreaking your dog will be lot easier if you feed, water, and walk him regularly. Like children, puppies benefit greatly from routine. Try to walk the dog at roughly the same time each day so that they can regulate their physiological processes. Take the puppy out of the crate without letting his feet touch the ground first thing in the morning. Bring him to where you want him to go, provide the cue, then reward him when you’re done successfully. Take your puppy outside at least once every two hours, especially after play and after after eating or drinking. Before you know it, your puppy will be letting you know it is time to go out and do his business.


Don’t Let the Puppy Roam

Allowing your puppy to wander the house will inevitably result in accidents. Confining the dog to specific sections of the house can make housetraining simpler for everyone, whether you have opted against using a crate or you do. When a puppy has free reign of the house, it might be challenging to keep track of him, but if you fence him in the kitchen, he can still participate in activities and can be more supervised in case of an accident.


Don’t Get Discouraged

There will be times when you first begin housetraining that you feel your pup is just not getting it. He may have accidents in the house as well on occasion. There is no need to be discouraged. If you stick to your routine, keep a good eye on the dog and make frequent outings to his outdoor bathroom, in no time your puppy will be housebroken. Another good idea is to use the same door all the time when you are taking him out so that when he has to go, he will scratch on the door to be let out. Once this happens, you can say hurray and know that your puppy truly is beginning to understand that going to the bathroom in the house is a no-no.



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